This course examines ten absolute truths about Biblical prophecy. The outcome of this course includes:
- The King of the Universe! You never need to live in fear of anyone or anything.
- Every Christian will be greatly encouraged, strengthened, and comforted by it.
- You never need to wonder about the perfect accuracy of what you read in the Prophetic Scriptures.
- You are always correct to keep Him in Pre-eminence in your heart and mind.
- You always have all the clear and complete information YHWH wants you to know about the future in His Word.
- You never have to wonder what is True or who is telling the Truth.
- You are never without clear biblical data to guide you, encourage you and comfort you.
- Even if you cannot know the day or the hour, you can clearly know the times and the seasons.
- You can take great comfort in knowing this teaching from the Scriptures.
- Even if there are still some unanswered questions there is plenty of teaching to make us extremely confident and joyful in anticipation of what lies ahead for every believer – and especially for those who have lived lives of faithful obedience to our Lord YHWH.
- Professor: Terry Kern